Anchorage is So Bike Friendly

One of the hardest parts of leaving Palmer is that I had so many opportunities to be outside.  However, a little gem that I didn't realize (born and raised in Alaska with COUNTLESS errands in Anchorage) how bike friendly it is.  There is the mountain bike trails and the multi-use paved trails.  Even some of the major roads have bike lanes.

I am trying to train for the "Sea to Shining Sea" and I now consult this map before going out and driving around.  I think I am becoming a bike commuter first.  Someday, I will be a bike tourer.  

***Update*** I went out twice and didn't have ANY near death experiences.  I was able to bike 23 miles that were mostly flat.  But, little by little I feel a bit stronger.  When I see the sweeper trucks, I want to hug them and tell them how much I appreciate them.  Anchorage did put an amazing amount of gravel on the roads.  


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